I try not to spend my time in front of a computer, but most of the time, as a photographer, you find that is where you are. Gone are the days when you could send off a roll of unprocessed film and let someone else worry about the details, that’s all possible now at the computer… and it takes time… lots of time. It’s easy to forget, even with a well shot job, sometimes how much work is needed after you put the camera down, from making images uniform (i.e. for product pages) to removing bits of rubbish and unneeded foliage in the shot, to full blown re-edits for added drama or visual identity.
It’s worlds apart to when I shoot for newspapers. Half the time I just send the file from the camera, made a bit smaller to send quicker and I’m done. Occasionally I’ll make it a bit contrasty, but that’s usually it…. and, of course, that’s how it should be for press.
Anyway, enough rambling, here’s a photo of a dramatic camping mountain setting in the Scottish highlands. It’s for outdoor clothing and gear company PHD, find them here: http://phdesigns.co.uk/
Must dash, and get this done, before my arse gets welded to this office chair.

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